Textile Industries
Pioneering the Effluent Treatment Technology in Textile Industries
Textile Industries
Being Reckoned as one of the oldest industries of the world right from the evolution of mankind, textile industries is one of the most dominant industrial segment largely due to its ever increasing consumable products. Be it Fashion wear or Casual wear, industrial clothing for different applications, textile industry has seen boom in itself from Manchester to India.
Being one of the largest water consuming industry, the obvious waste water generation has been a key concern to all the Textile Segment.

Chem Process is the pioneer in the Textile Zero Liquid Discharge solution. We have earned the reputation of being the bench mark in Textile ‘ZLD’ system providers whether it be handling of Effluent water, recovery of high purity salts, or it may be providing highly energy efficient Evaporation system by MEE (Multiple Effect Evaporation) Plants or by MVR (Mechanical Vapor Recompression) Plants. Chem Process has the distinct recognition of getting numerous awards for its feat in ZLD segment in the Textile industires.