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Single and Multi Stage Flash Type Evaporator System

Single and Multi Stage Flash Type Evaporator System

Chem Process Systems Pvt. Ltd. Provides Single and Multi-Stage Flash Type Evaporator Systems across India.

We are a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Various Types of Evaporator Systems like Combination Type Hybrid Evaporators, Falling Film Type Evaporator, Forced Circulation Type Evaporator, Natural Circulation type Evaporator, Rising Film Type Evaporator, Single and Multi-Stage Flash type Evaporator.

Chem Process Systems Pvt. Ltd. is headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Multi-Stage Flash Evaporator is a series of single-stage evaporators, where the steam is used for direct heating in one effect only. The feed flow in a linear way passes through all the single-stage evaporators.

Maximizes solvent recovery and minimizes energy consumption through multiple stages of evaporation.
Equipped with sophisticated control systems for precise temperature and pressure regulation.

Enhanced energy efficiency due to the cascading effect of multiple stages, reducing operational costs.

How to Work Our Single and Multi Stage Flash Type Evaporator System:

In a multi-stage flash evaporator system, the liquid flows through the tubes in all stages, starting from the last stage and moving toward the first stage.
This process heats the liquid gradually using vapor condensed from each stage.

The concentrate pump pumps out the liquid once it reaches the last stage.

The system collects the distillate, or purified water, from all the condensers and gathers it in the final stage condenser.

The distillate pump then discharges the liquid, and ejectors efficiently remove the non-condensable gases released during the process.


Fresh Water Production
Industrial Wastewater Reduction

Chem Process Systems Pvt. Ltd. Provides Single and Multi Stage Flash Type Evaporator System across India.

For more information or to discuss your needs, contact us today.