
The Alcohol Industry has been growing leaps and bounds since the ancient ages. New times have just improved the ways and means of how these industries could be taken into the rapid mode. All said and done, Distilleries remain one of the chief and major water and land polluting segment of industry. The Effluent or the waste water (termed as Spent wash) are enormously high in quantity.

There have been many technological advancements done by different organizations to provide some sort of solution to the issue of Spent wash treatment, and as the preamble suggest the efforts have been half hearted and just not enough to provide a complete ZLD to the distilleries.

Whereas the distilleries have to pass through all sort of post treatment activities like, incineration, bio-composting and others just to render to natural way of eliminating water and despite of following available technologies the problem remains unattended.

Chem Process has developed a unique technology (patented) to produce high purity salts and CMS which helps not only to resolve the problem of ZLD, but also eliminating the tedious processes of Bio-composting and Incineration and in the effort of doing so, the distilleries actually start earning uncalled for profits making them self-sustainable and year round working.

The use of Fluidic chemicals is on a very high side

This process can be done in both Bio-methanated and Raw Spent-wash, for any molasses producing industry, right from Sugar, Beet vinasses, Grain based distilleries, Yeast drying and other industry involved in Bio-fermentation for production of Alcohol.

The main source of pollution from distilleries is the Spent Wash – a nontoxic biodegradable effluent.

Some conventional technologies adopted for treatment of Spent Wash during the 80’s:

  • Bio-methanation
  • Composting
  • Incineration

A huge amount of effluent is generated in the distilleries, as per experience 10-15 KL of distillery effluent is generated for production of 1 KL of Alcohol. Despite many efforts made so far, a comprehensive treatment process could not be explored.

New Break-Through Innovative Technology:

Chem Process Systems came up with a unique innovation in the field of distilleries. Spent Wash treatment by Thermo-Vacuum Evaporators, recovery of salt from the condensed molasses soluble, a remarkable synchronization with existing technologies. Our Thermal Evaporators have been successfully developed and used over the last 20 years for the treatment of difficult liquid wastes; containing oil emulsions, dissolved salt, heavy metals, hazardous chemicals, suspended solids etc. It is a simple robust and reliable process. Industries utilize the best existing technologies that yields considerably low Spent Wash for alcohol generation. This spent is then sent to Chem Process’ unique innovative evaporation system for further treatment and hence salt separation.

Any Thermal Evaporator consists of three main parts: Heat Exchange, Vapor Separator and a Recirculating Pump. In the Heat Exchanger, the liquid is heated under pressure to avoid boiling on the heating surface. Our shell and tubes are specifically designed to ensure high re-circulation flow with high turbulence resulting in a non fouling operation. After heating the pressure is released over a pressure control valve into the Vapor Separator. The liquid partially evaporates and the vapor leaves the vapor separator. The vapor can either be used as heating media in MVR, TVR or Multi-effect Evaporator. The produced condensate can either be reused further, treated or discharged to recipient. The liquid is kept in circulation by the pump. Fresh liquid is fed in the vapor separator and concentrate is continuously bled out. The Forced Re-circulation type can be operated either continuously at a high concentration level or if desired in batch mode. High concentrations are achieved in batch mode.

Energy Efficient Design

The system is directly heated, hence a fair amount of energy can be recovered by using evaporated water for other process or for heating purposes. Multi-stage designing can help utilize the heated vapor of one stage to other stages, hence lowering down the steam consumption. Utilizing evaporate vapors of first stage of Evaporator through Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) or Thermal Vapor Recompression (TVR)

Process Benefits

Evaporation is a pure separation method and offers the most efficient ways to recover valuable salts. Since this method just gives physical separation, the chemical properties of the components separated do not change. Different pre and after treatment technologies like RO, Membrane Bi-reactor, Activated Carbon Filters, Peroxide Oxidation etc. are available, which always help in generating extra purity of the compound separated We strive to bring the best technologies for energy efficient and pollution free environment.